Special  Announcement(24/08/2022)

News / HKIT Media

Special  Announcement(24/08/2022)

update: 2022-08-24


由於香港天文台會考慮在下午 6:00 至 9:00 期間發出 8 號熱帶氣旋警告信號,夜間課程(GS402 和 HD401)將會暫停。學生請查看電郵或聯繫學科老師有關晚間課程安排。

As the Hong Kong Observatory will consider issuing the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 between 6:00pm and 9:00pm, evening classes of GS402 and HD401 are suspended. Students are suggested to check their email or contact their subject teachers for the arrangement of the evening classes.