2019-2020 Notice of Registration(for 2019 HKDSE candidates)
Bachelor Degree

Opening Hours of Main Campus (July 10-15)
Sham Shui Po Main Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Cheung Sha Wan Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Sha Tin Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Kwun Tong Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Tuen Mun Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Tsuen Wan Campus |
Opening Hours: Service: Address: |
Payment Method
Students are required to settle an enrollment deposit of HK$5000 . This enrollment deposit is refundable if the applicant decides to accept an offer from a full-time UGC-funded undergraduate degree via JUPAS.
You may choose from any of the payment methods as follows:
- Pay at any branch of HSBC (匯豐銀行) to the account of Hong Kong Institute of Technology A/C No. 534-301767-001 ,
or any branch of DBS (星展銀行) to the account of Hong Kong Institute of Technology A/C No. 016-494-471619213.
(i) ask the bank staff to input your HKID number on the bank-in slip for payment at DBS, and
(ii) keep the bank-in slip for registration or
- Payment by ATM(星展銀行)A/C No. 016-494-471619213 or HSBC(匯豐銀行) / Hang Seng bank(恆生銀行) 534-301767-001. Please keep the bank-in slip for registration or
- Submit a cheque payable to Hong Kong Institute of Technology during registration. Please write your Chinese and English full names, and your HKIT student number at the back of the cheque or
- Pay by PPS merchant Code 9552 to the account of Hong Kong Institute of Technology. Please refer to the PPS account number printed on this letter when making PPS transaction.
Late Payment of fees will incur an administrative charge.