Bachelor Degree

Wrexham University

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance Management

Wrexham University

*New Programme Name since Sep 2024:
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance Management

QR Registration No.: 23/000468/L5

Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2028

Mode of Study

Full time / Night-time schedule


Medium of Instruction
  • English


  • Full-time: 3 years
  • Top-up: 1 year


Delivery Campus
  • Main Campus : SSP Campus


Programme Leader

Dr Kamsuo Wong


Qualifications Framework

Level 5


Registration Number





Programme Commencement Date

September / February


HKIT Online Application System
Apply Now




Programme Features

This dedicated programme aims to provide students with a solid understanding of business management with a particular emphasis of accounting and finance principles, preparing them with the knowledge and skill set needed for a successful career in the sector.

Students will learn about the preparation, presentation and interpretation of accounting and financial information. Moreover, they will explore how accounting and financial information can be developed to meet the needs of business by supporting relevant decision makers. In addition, work-based learning is embedded into the programme, meaning that all graduates will be equipped with knowledge and skills to meet current and future market needs and be ‘work ready’. This includes a broad base of applications from case studies and problem solving.




About Wrexham University

All course/prospectus information is available online from





Qualifications Framework

The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF).

QF Level: 5

QR Registration No. :23/000468/L5

Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2028






Programme Structure


Year 1 Module Titles Assessment


Introduction to Management & Business


Assignment Base



Introduction to Business Finance & Accounting



Business Communication Skills



Understanding Human Resource Management



Marketing Essentials



Business Analytics



Year 2 Module Titles Assessment


Advanced Management Accounting


Examination Base



Business Law



Business Taxation


Assignment Base



Managing Corporate Risk and Crime



Sustainable Finance: Theory and Practice



Security Analysis and Valuation



Year 3 Module Titles Assessment


Strategic Management


Assignment Base



Advanced Financial Management


Examination Base



Audit and Assurance



Financial Reporting and Analysis





Assignment Base





360 Credits


More details please visit: 



Graduation Requirements

Students are required to normally enrol and follow the modules in the programme until the completion of the award.





Professional Recognitions

A student who has completed the programme and the module nominated* could enrol into CPA Australia as a CPA associate, and then commence to complete the CPA programme.

  • Eligible to sit for their professional level examination (six subjects to be taken)

* One more subject required: Accounting and Finance Skills Top Up




Tuition Fees


Year 1

Tuition fee: $54,920#1

Eligible for HK$35,120 NMTSS* subsidy.
The tuition fee after deduction of NMTSS* subsidy: $19,800

Year 2

Tuition fee: $54,920#1

Eligible for HK$35,120 NMTSS* subsidy.
The tuition fee after deduction of NMTSS* subsidy: $19,800

Year 3

Tuition fee: $54,920#1

Eligible for HK$35,120 NMTSS* subsidy.
The tuition fee after deduction of NMTSS* subsidy: $19,800



Eligibility of NMTSS subject to final accreditation result to be confirmed.





#The tuition fee will be subject to adjustment by annual review.

#1 Subject to approval by NCR.

*For NMTSS subsidy, please refer to "Financial Assistance and Scholarship" section.



Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS)

Students who are eligible for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS) will be provided with an annual subsidy up to HK35,120 in the 2025/26 academic year. Eligible students enrolling in the relevant programmes only need to pay the tuition fee net of subsidy. For details, please visit

Eligibility for NMTSS:

From the 2025/26 academic year onwards, the annual subsidy for studies is applicable to all Hong Kong students who are enrolled in full-time locally accredited local and non-local self-financing undergraduate (including top-up degree) programmes offered by eligible institutions.

The following students are not eligible for the subsidy :

  1. Non-local students.
  2. Students who already possessed a degree at the Bachelor’s level or above.
  3. Students who are enrolling in any subsidised undergraduate or sub-degree programmes (such as University Grants Committee-funded programmes, subvented programmes of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and subsidised places of the designated programmes under SSSDP).


Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)

FASP provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means.

For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:


The Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally-accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree

For details of the schemes, please visit SFO website at:


Self-financing post-secondary scholarship scheme (SPSS)

To promote the development of the self-financing post-secondary sector, the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) is set up under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to offer scholarships and awards to students pursuing full-time locally-accredited self-financing sub-degree or bachelor's degree (including top-up degree) programmes at non-profit-making education institutions.

For details of the schemes, please visit SPSS website at:


Tax Deduction for Self-Education Expenses

Students of this programme are eligible to apply for tax deductions in relation to the course fees. For details or enquiries please contact 187 8088 or visit the Government website at





Year 1 Entry

Minimum Admission Requirements
  • HKDSE 15 points in five subjects (Level 1 = 1 point and Level 5** = 7 points) with a minimum Level 3 in English, Level 2 in Mathematics, and no subject in Level 1; or
  • Equivalent qualifications

Remark: The home institution will assess the equivalent qualification on case by case basis.


English language proficiency requirement
  • HKDSE Level 3 or above; or equivalent qualifications



Year 2 Entry

Minimum Admission Requirements
  • Holders of an Associate Degree / Higher Diploma at HKQF Level 4 in a recognised local educational institutions, or
  • Equivalent qualifications

Remark: The home institution will assess the equivalent qualification on case-by-case basis.


English language proficiency requirement
  • Associate Degree / Higher Diploma at HKQF Level 4 in a recognised local educational institutions or equivalent qualifications used to gain admission to the programme was / were taught and assessed in English.



Year 3 Entry

Minimum Admission Requirements
  • Holders of a recognised Associate Degree / Higher Diploma at HKQF Level 4 from local educational institutions or equivalent qualifications; and
  • Completion of an adequate number of relevant modules in in accounting and finance-related areas during the study for the qualification in (i) so that the applicant is eligible to apply for exemption that amounts to the first two years of study of the Programme. If the applicants’ completed modules do not amount to the exemption of the first two years of study of the programme, applicants must take bridging modules, which are comparable with those in Wrexham University’s first two years’ of modules in terms of curriculum content, level and volume of study before admission to Year 3.

Remark: The home institution will assess the equivalent qualification on case-by-case basis.


English language proficiency requirement
  • Previous qualification achieved taught in English awarded upon the completion of a programme at HKQF level 4 with a volume of study comparable to Associate Degree / Higher Diploma.



Mature Applicant

Aged 21 or above prior to the commencement of the programme, subject to the prior learning and experience requirements of the home institution.




***Recognition of Prior (Experiential) Learning
Applicants may enter the programme at various levels with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) in accordance with the University General Regulations.




Application Period

Starting from 2 months before commencement of semester September, February


Application Procedure

Complete the Online Application form

Applicants will be required to submit/upload the following documents:

  • Photocopy of your Hong Kong Identity Card
  • Photocopy of all supporting documents for your application


  • Successful applicants should present originals of the above documents for verification during the admission interview/registration.




It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.